August 12th - 18th, 2007
THE WALL starts in Panorama, B.C. Canada
SEVEN DAYS - 360 MILES - 36,000 ft of CLIMBING
plus lots of crazy, fun mountain bike racers

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I wish I had another week to recover because I'd really like to race the Shenandoah Mountain 100. However, neither my bike nor I are ready for another race, even though I feel like we'd both be ready next week - maybe next year.
Let's cover Stage 6: 116km with almost 7,000ft of climbing - this wasn't the day to have mechanical issues but, I did manage to pull it off. First, after rolling through what I call root-drop-holes, my seat tilted skyward. I had to stop and fix it twice. And then on one of many steep rocky descents, I managed to bubble, a six inch bubble right down the middle of the tire, my Specialized Fast Trak tubeless tire. A very, very nice lady who was watching the race allowed me to use a tire off her bike, which was on the car's bike rack - lucky for me.
The day consisted of a 23km climb, a 6km steep and rocky descent, 20km rolling descent, 11km paved road, 11km=2100ft climb, 9km rocky & bushy descent, and then a run-around-town detour. We missed the cutoff time by 15 minutes and had our time changed from 8:15hr to 10:00 plus, an 1 hr plenty... I was not a happy camper and might have killed someone if given a little probable cause. I was definitely insane at the end off that stage.
Karen went and brought Peter and I the biggest burgers and fries she could find. That really was a great decision and my mood changed quickly.
Stage 7: 48km and fast rolling hills: Let's just say we finished in 2:35 and I'm not sure what time they published but, I can read a clock still. I think everyone was ready for it to be over however, I'd preferred some of stage 6's 116km have been put on stage 7. Stage 7 didn't take much out of us and stage 6 just wasted both us.
The End of another TransRockies Challenge 2007... I hope you enjoyed and I apologize for typos.
Pray for our troop to get their butts home safely. Ciao, V.B.

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